Grief, Surrender, Hope

On November 21, 2017, my beloved younger brother left this planet by his own hand.  It has been one of the most impactful, transformational experiences of my life.

I loved him as if he were my own child.  I was 8 years old when we adopted him — a bright, energetic, towheaded 3 year-old.  Instantly I knew, I loved him deeply.

After his sudden, unexpected departure, I found myself deeply entrenched in a thick, heavy, cotton-candy-textured grief that buffered me from my connection with the world around me and consumed me completely for months.  My friends and colleagues became a life-line of support, for which I am eternally grateful.

One such colleague, a month after Steven’s death, suggested that I engage The Artist’s Way process.  Having worked the 12-week program in 1997, I knew it’s value. He suggested I try it for 90-days.

I pulled the dust-covered book by Julia Cameron off my bookshelf and thumbed through it.  I loved the idea, but I just couldn’t muster the commitment to all of the exercises. What I could do, however, was the Morning Pages exercise.

On December 17, 2017, I began a journey inward (and upward?? — if connecting with Spirit is that direction???  Maybe through “the veil” is more accurate…), and this photo shows the culmination of what has become a daily practice since.  

Since that day, every morning I sit at my dimly-lit desk (with my coffee — I live in Seattle after all), and write 3 pages of stream of consciousness writing.  No edits, no rules, other than “fill three pages and don’t pick up the pen”.

I am so grateful for the gifts that have come out of the tragic (Earthly) loss of my brother’s presence in my life.  One thing I have learned is that our connections with those we love never die, the relationships just get “rewired”.

For me, the period of deep grief I experienced was the energetic rewiring of my relationship with my brother.  

For at least 3 months after his death I felt intense physical pain and heaviness, and experienced a mental fog and psychic sensitivity that has yet been unparalleled.  As I stayed present with myself in that painful, confusing, disorienting period of time I was, unknowingly, honoring the process of the severing of my Earthly connection with Steven and the rewiring of a deeper Spirit connection with him.  

Today I believe that grief is purposeful and that, when I am experiencing it, I need the support of my community on Earth to tether me here while I grow in my capacity to connect with those who are living on the Other Side.


Comments (2)

  1. My younger brother left in the same way on 11/11/12. I don’t know many who have experienced this same grief path. It was one of the most spiritual times in my life. It is how I found my love of astrology. Thank you for sharing.
    I found your site by searching for EMDR and astrology. I’m wondering if people have used them together.

    • Thank you for sharing your experience, Jessica. I am so sorry for your loss and grateful for knowing I am not alone in mine. EMDR and astrology? Yes! They are both amazing, magical tools that support deep and profound healing and transformation.

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